What it Means to be a Kingdom Woman Entrepreneur by Barbara David
The Kingdom Women Entrepreneur Community has been burning in my heart for many years & in just under 1 year we have grown not just in numbers, we have also grown together, building stronger and deeper relationships with faith filled entrepreneurs from across the globe. In this blog I have the pleasure to introduce to you a beautiful friend of mine who is our Kingdom Women Ambassador for the Middle East and Co-founder of Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Barbara David. The way God connected us together is absolutely divine connection.(& that's for another blog!) haha God is amazing at bringing people together!
I know you'll be so blessed by Barbara's story and how God has called her into entrepreneurship. Read on as Barbara tells us what it means for her to be a Kingdom Women Entrepreneur.
Fideliz x
When the lord called me to business, I answered the call very willingly. At the beginning and in my mind, I believed that He had singled me out for the sole purpose of increasing me financially and I was extremely pleased. I had no idea what He had coming for me; I had no idea at all.
I remember now, that I was just excited about the opportunity of being a Boss Lady, if I can call myself that. You see, to me, His call was centred around me, myself and I. Little did I know that He was taking me on a very powerful journey that had very little to do with me and very much to do with others.
As a KWE, I have now discovered that the Lord just doesn’t call people into wonder filled opportunities just because He just feels like it. No, not at all, for every blessing the Lord bestows on anyone, there is a purpose attached to it.When God calls us for a mission, He would have prepared us without giving us the faintest clue most of the time. This was the case with me and I will briefly share.
The Lords plan for my life started when I moved to the Middle East. When I moved there, there weren’t many opportunities for women. The only job I could get was the position of a teacher at a preschool. I diligently did my job and remained very faithful even though it was a very difficult job to do. So dutiful was I that I got awards and recognition from every school that I worked at. I quickly became an asset because of the dedication and effort I put in and God crowned all the hard work with success.

Some years later, after I had quit the educational sector, the Lord spoke to me one morning and asked me to start a business in the preschool educational and developmental sector. I learned as time went on that all those years I labored even when it wasn’t convenient, that the lord was preparing me for this enterprise that He gave to me.
At the start of this business, my initial goal was to add value to the lives of the children who came to my school and increase my material wealth level.
As I continued to walk with the Lord, He clearly revealed to me, that His vision was bigger than that. Yes impacting the children was involved, but He needed me for something much bigger.
The Lord made it plain to me that I am a Kingdom Woman Entrepreneur. Honestly, I had no idea what that was all about and He began to teach me some of the life lessons that I’m still currently learning and imparting to others today.
As a Kingdom Woman Entrepreneur, My mission is very different from a regular entrepreneur. Believe me when I say I am not driven by profit. Of course it matters to me that I am successful, but my success is not measured anymore in terms of material wealth.
My focus now is mainly to add value to the life of anyone who walks in though my doors. These include the children, their parents, my staff and everyone who comes in contact with me. Daily, I see the power of God in the lives of the children who come to us; in the lives of my staff as well as in the relationships I have been able to forge through my business.
My staff are different from when they first came to me, they have become more inspired and more faith filled than when I first met them irrespective of their religious beliefs. There has been a change mentality with whomever the Lord brings my way.
I want to very humbly say that most of this change has not come solely by mentoring people but through my lifestyle only through the grace of God and no might of mine.
As a KWE, I’m driven by the urgency to be a blessing as directed in the bible in Genesis 1:28. In fact because I was born in the First month and on the 28th day, this has become a personal motto for my life.
As a KWE, I have made up my mind to be fruitful; my desire is to promote fruitful multiplication in the lives of others by being a positive change accelerator. I do this by using the knowledge that the Lord has given me to encourage, motivate and teach whomever is willing. In the above verse, the Lord asked His children to replenish the earth and to have dominion over it.
As a KWE if by any chance the Lord brings you into my life, you must begin to also walk in dominion. As a KWE, my mission is to empower all people that I am privileged to come across in my lifetime to live a life of purpose and to walk in fulfilment.
My major focus as a KWE is not enriching myself anymore; it’s about enriching the lives of others. Under my wings and solely by Gods power, two of my staff have become small scale entrepreneurs through a discovery of their gifting and a persistent encouragement to take it to the next level.
As a KWE, I dare to say that I am not only a boss to my staff; I am a mother and mentor to them by God’s awesome grace. I not only ensure that they prosper from making sure that they are adequately compensated financially, I am also very interested in the prosperity of their soul. I try my best to let my lifestyle witness the gospel them. I also prayerfully disciple them as led by the Holy Spirit.
It’s the exact same for my clients too. A few months ago, I had an urgent call from a client who I had never witnessed to, who wasn’t a believer to pray for the life of His son who was extremely ill and Abba Father showed up. Another staff who is also not a believer had called me to please pray for her, for the fruit of the womb just because she believed in the power of my God. To me, these evidences are a few instances of what being a KWE is all about.
As my substance increased last year the Lord gave me the opportunity of helping to provide education to poverty stricken children in Nigeria with the creation of a Foundation inspired by the Holy Spirit. Children who would have missed out on education are now being educated because of the Lords goodness in my life and I want to emphasise that this is possible not by any might of mine.
Recently, I was also privileged to be a blessing in the body of Christ; I remember being on a spiritual high for days for the ability to do this, (If I can call it that). It dawned on me that this was what being a KWE all is about – to be a need meeter and partaker in God’s work on earth, what an opportunity!
Please understand that this is not an opportunity for me to boast, I know without a shadow of doubt that I could do none of these things if not for God who has given me the grace. I prayerfully ask the Lord to continue helping me make my lifestyle a walking advertisement for Him and He has been so faithful in this regard.
As a KWE my desire is bringing the kingdom of God closer to our world through compassion, re-orientation and most importantly Love. I’m highly in awe of Him, My father, My maker and the Lover of my soul for this unique privilege and I do not take it for granted.
A Kingdom Woman Entrepreneur is not only wealth creation oriented, she is primarily interested in how her wealth and lifestyle can edify God and bring Him closer to the lives of people He has put in her life and through the products and services that she engages in.
So when anyone asks me what being a KWE is all about, in summary, my answer is this: Mathew 28:19- Go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It is also to use my substance and gift to honor the Lord in all I do, Proverbs 3:9.
May God bless you every day through Jesus Christ our lord, Amen.
Barbara David
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