Serving The World The Gift of Healing
It's my goal to encourage and empower my fellow filipinos in reaching for their dreams and really taking the freedom to create the life that they love as they build their business.
And so i'm really excited to start this year off by dedicating the first month of the year to highlight and celebrate my fellow Filipino Australian Entrepreneurs! Only 2 Months ago, I created "The Filipino Australian Business Collaborative" a community created for connection and collaboration for the Filipino Australian Community and as of today we had 100 members!
So to kick start this months blog series, I have invited Lorelie Luna to tell us more about her how she serves the world with healing.
Lorelie Luna is the person behind Luna Healing Academy. Lorelie specialises in supporting individuals to manage with ease, the many causes & effects of stress, body aches & pain. She provides pathways to those who seek to enhance & develop one's true potential as a Healer and develops course contents & delivery methods in teaching Massage Therapy.
Her current project is in one of NSW most luxurious Mountain Retreat. She is an advocate of Hilot – The Philippine’s Indigenous Healing Systems.
It's my pleasure to share with you our blog interview!
How did you get into Hilot and what started your journey in specialising in this area?
A few years back, I used to fill my days with back-to-back tasks, from the moment I wake up to the time I get to bed. I would juggle home-life with work-life, business-life – while TRYING to maintain meaningful relationships!
The repercussions on running on an empty tank took its toll on my health – my physical health, my emotional capacity, my mental state, my Spiritual self.
Then came the turning point in my life - I became ready to receive all the possibilities that are available to me! I studied courses, read books and learned to tap into my Higher Self to remember everything I could about the world of Hilot.
Tell us more about your story, your WHY and your bigger vision for your business.
In my search to manage my health concerns, I discovered natural therapies focusing on traditional methodologies as effective pathways to healing. The gift of Hilot is in my DNA.
My Grandmother, her Mother and her Great Grandmothers before her were all practicing Hilot, long before modern medicine became accessible. I'm a natural born Hilot myself. From a very young age, I remember practicing Hilot on my Daddy to relieve his chronic headaches, neck and back pains.
Realising how freeing it is to know how to heal myself and getting qualified as a Practitioner as well as a Trainer & Assessor, have many rewards as I now share my gift with those who sought to receive healing and to those who are willing to enhance & develop their true potential.
I love the ripple effect an individual brings when they open-up into the wondrous craft of healing, I see it as a beautiful human connection. That is what I see Hilot now & in the future – Connecting Humanity .

What are the struggles that you're finding as a Filipino entrepreneur here in Australia and how do you over come them?
As a Filipino Entrepreneur, the main challenge I found that I must overcome is Trust. You may have the best marketing strategy on the planet, but it will not buy Trust. I now know from experience that once trust is established between myself and a client, overcoming the ‘struggles’ becomes effortless. Integrity in every step of the way is the attribute in conducting my business.
How has starting your own business changed your life?
Transformation into becoming the best version of ourselves is a process we can choose to create. It all starts with the desire to get better & better.
Since leaving the corporate world, I have created a working environment which allows me the flexibility to spend time, any way I choose to use my time. I get to bask in nature, sit by the ocean, have meeting at cafes & open spaces – all enjoyed with gratitude for the privilege of the business I have created.

Lastly, what are the tips you will give a new Filipino entrepreneur starting out here in Australia?
Do Ask. Always ask questions that will give you the freedom to make the choice. There is no right or wrong. There is choice. What else is possible?
Have No Fear. Be brave to take the leap of Faith based on your own desire & intention to live a fulfilling & purposeful life. When fear gets in the way, it is usually because we allow ourselves to wallow in the comfort of other people’s idea of struggles & fear.
Learn your Craft. Research. Enrol in relevant courses. Improve yourself consistently. Learn new things every day. Read. Attend seminars. Join workshops.
It has been 10 years since I started learning about my craft. The first 5 years I practiced on anyone who allowed me the privilege; the next 5, is working as Healing Therapist part time. I'm still learning.
Be Coachable.
Absorb as much knowledge as possible from various resources. Being set in one way can be limiting. Mentors & Coaches assist you in your expansion – personal or business.
Find a Mentor you can work with to enhance your skill set. Remember that you always have a choice and you can make a choice.

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Bringing together like minded entrepreneurs for connection, collaboration and empowerment HERE.