How to Confront your Fear of Failure
Who doesn't have fear? I know we all go through moments in our lives where we've felt fear of failure.
Just when we start to think about making a positive change in our life, when we wan't to challenge ourselves to reach for something greater, when we wan't to learn something new... we always seem to have fear on the back of our mind... fear of failure... that we might make a mistake..... and then we end up crawling back in our comfort zone and not being able to move forward! Have you ever been in this situation?
Yes it's true that fear is there! But we don't have to be dictated by fear!
We don't have to agree to the feeling of fear but instead allow ourselves to confront it with Faith! Don't let fear rob you from what GOD has in store for your life!
How do we do that?
Here's 4 steps to overcoming your fear!
1) Be aware and acknowledge that you feel the fear.... and identify what exactly it is that you're afraid of. Be specific and ask yourself why are you fearful of failure? - Is it because you don't want to look bad? You don't want to ruin your reputation? You're afraid of what others might think about you? - Find out the real and deeper reason WHY you feel that fear of failure. Do you think the reasons you feel fear justifies why you should feel fearful?
2) Focus on the Vision. Is being fearful paralysing you from moving forward towards your Vision? When you focus on the result and the big picture, when we focus on the WHY we are doing what we do, i believe it's much much greater than our fear and this will cause is to redirect our attention to what matters rather than focusing on the fear. Focus on helping others, focus on the results and focus on being of service instead.
3) Failing is an opportunity for growth. Realise that making mistakes and failing is part of the growing. It's part of the process. It's part of the journey. Failing doesn't mean the end and it's OK. When we stumble and when we make mistakes it's an opportunity to learn. Use the experience to gain new wisdom that will cause you to grow.
4) Overcome fear with faith."Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step." — Martin Luther King, Jr.
Yes it can get scary when we want to start taking the steps of Faith, but know that no matter what obstacle or hurdles you will go through this journey, you're not alone! You're here for a purpose & God will always be there to guide you through. All you have to do is trust Him & know that He is for you! Trust even in the midst of failure.... trust that you are capable of giving your all no matter what.
Failure or no failure......
"And we know that in ALL things, God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28
When we realise that failure is not the end of the world, we gain freedom! Use it as a stepping stone to success have faith and fail fast!