Brilliance & Beauty starts from Within.
As I journeyed from Bohol to Sydney for a quick vacation to spend some time with family and friends, especially with my mum it gave me the time to reflect on my journey towards being Miss Bohol.
When we think about the words Brilliant & Beautiful we often ponder on the external attributes, for instance beautiful; we frequently use this word to describe the outer appearance of a person. However, being beautiful is more than just having an appealing appearance but having an appealing character and personality.
Was there ever a time where I doubted myself or even God? Well, during my journey to the crown there were definitely doubts going through my train of thoughts that I wasn’t capable, but never have I doubted God’s ability. As humans beings it's natural for us to doubt our own ability in accomplishing things but we should never doubt God’s ability. As we serve a big God.
Often people perceive pageants as a competition that focuses on the physical beauty of a woman. But, with changing times the definition of “beauty” comes with more depth than just physical appearances. The contest is not only just focused on the outer appearance of the contestant but the personality, intelligence, talent and answers to the judges.
As a beauty queen myself, I can attest that beauty pageants are more than just the glitz and glamour and being beautiful outside, but also being beautiful inside.Through experience I’ve learnt as a beauty queen that you need to accept your flaws and embrace your imperfections for you to grow as a person. But the most valuable life lesson I have ever learned as a young woman is to have a servant heart.
Having a heart that desires to love and serve others is important, it doesn’t really sound like it corresponds with being a beauty queen, but it certainly does. Winning the crown for me was more about bringing joy, inspiring and empowering people and being an ambassador of goodwill. My moment of realisation that the importance to want to serve others didn’t come to effect until I decided to join Miss Philippines-Australia 2014, and God’s goodness and love that imprinted my heart to love and empower people.
For “you, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love” – Galatians 5:13 NIV
I strongly believe that we are all created individually with unique thoughts, unique talents and unique perception of beauty. We are all created to do great things and we are all brilliant and beautiful in our own unique way.
I challenge you my dear friend to have a servant heart, to go out to the world and be the change as it starts from within.
Glyssa Perez